
Our vision - and who we are

English translation is on its way. If you have any questions about our vision and who we are in the mean time, feel free to reach out to info@ungdomsoen.dk.

Ungdomsøen i dag

To this day, it is still the young people who live on the island as Give-A-Year committed, engagement groups from the island's community and young partners who help to make their mark on the island's physical framework, projects, strategies, communication and activities. All young people between the ages of 15 and 31 can help shape Ungdomsøen.

You too!

The Youth Island is open to all age groups, but it is young people who drive The Youth Islands development forward and help set the direction when they decorate the fort's 70,000 adventurous square meters with everything from recording studios, film clubs, escape rooms and raised beds.

Read more about how we are constantly working to empower young people.

Historien bag

The Youth Island is a physical island, a project, a sanctuary, a meeting place and a community created BY young people, FOR young people and WITH young people, but all ages are welcome to visit the island.

It was a group of young scouts who originally came up with the idea of buying the island and turning it into a youth island. Ever since, it is different groups of young people who have set the direction for Ungdomsøen.

Ungdomsøen was bought in 2015 by Nordea-fonden and A.P. Møller Fonden, as a gift to the entire Danish youth. Today, the island's primary operations are supported by Nordea-fonden, while our many projects are supported by a large number of foundations, partners and paying guests.

"We've got an island, how do we get it ready?"

In three years, 70,000 volunteer hours were put into renovating the overgrown old sea fort so that it was ready for the opening in August 2019. It was a large group of young volunteers who worked both day (and night) weeding out, planting, painting, tearing down and building up; Both inside the fort's corridors, on the quay and in the green hilly landscape.

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Byggeprojekt 06
Bygge 10
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59375143 2195632323805171 824795997581344768 n
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59419220 2195632140471856 6633385025108705280 n
59503059 2195632070471863 1831780535014260736 n

Sådan blev Ungdomsøen til

The sum of all the young people's thoughts and dreams for the new youth island became our vision for the island and the dogmas that today are the island's values and the compass we orient ourselves in everything we do on The Youth Island.

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